Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We're lucky they left the house intact

I was really baffled about a week ago when some brake pads came tumbling down our roof. After posting about it I came to the conclusion it was the roofers. It just had to be one of them. No one else has ever had that kind of access to the peak in our roof. I know it still doesn’t make much sense but who else could be to blame? There is just no way they could’ve dropped from a plane. No one heard any THUD and the box was found in close proximity to the discs. And when heavy boxes of metal objects fall from the sky I’m guessing they cause some kind of damage. We haven‘t found any pieces of the house lying around. By George, or, Great Scott, I’m starting to feel like Sherlock Holmes (minus the penis). Oh, and minus the cocaine too. The History Channel is a good source of info when it comes to famous dead people. But I already kind of knew he wasn’t a girl.

So, after determining who was to blame, I have to admit I got a little upset thinking about what could’ve happened. What if the kids had been playing outside at the time? I can tell you, they may be small auto parts but they are heavy little bastards. And that peak in our roof is at least one story high. I’d assume it would leave a pretty good lump on an adult’s head, so who knows what kind of damage it could do to a child’s noggin. My kids are very active and somewhat daring but I haven’t yet had to take them to the E.R. This wouldn’t have been the best first time visit either.

Doctor: So you say some auto parts fell off your roof and this is why your daughter now needs stitches?

Me: I know, it’s crazy, isn’t it? I mean, I have no idea who, when, why or how those things got up there…

Doctor: Um, yeah… No worries, but expect a visit from the Child Welfare Dept. soon. It’s strictly routine. I don’t disbelieve your story but I’ve never heard anything quite like this before. So you’ll have to understand there could be legal ramifications if I turn a blind eye…

Me: I understand. I’m just sorry when I was in a hurry to get urgent medical care for my daughter, I didn’t think to pick up the soggy box and brake pads and bring them here with us. Silly me! I can’t wait to miss a day of work so I can visit with that person who knows nothing about my family but has the power to turn us into complete strangers. Do you think they’ll believe it? I mean, I can barely believe it happened myself…

Doctor: Are you on any prescribed medications, ma’am?

Me: Not yet. You got anything good?

Not to mention my bloody child would be writhing in pain. So lucky for us, this was not the scenario.

I was beginning to forget about this whole fiasco, but then I see one of the leading stories on the internet. It just happens to be about these menacing workers called roofers. It has been determined they are to blame for the Universal Studios fire in Hollywood. I have to tell you, I’m really not at all surprised. In fact, I’m now convinced that roofers are the devil’s workers sent up here from hell to wreak havoc.

Devil: I am really bored. How can I cause more mayhem for those idiots up there on Earth? They think they’re so rad. I know, I’ll use a group of people who society doesn’t really like or respect… hmm… Prostitutes? Already did that one. Politicians? Oh yeah, that was my best work! Shit, I think I’ve already depleted my most valuable resources. Oh wait… I got a new one… Roofers! And no one will ever suspect I’m behind it. *Evil laugh*

Just jokes. But I’m glad all we got were falling discs out of the deal. And as afraid as I am of heights, on the next clear day I’m going to force myself to go up on that roof, just to make sure there aren‘t any other forgotten items that could slide down and maim someone. If I live, and find anything unusual, I’ll be sure to let you know about it.

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