Friday, April 25, 2008

The dumbest thing I've heard to date

I love it whenever I hear a theory from some one who has no idea what they are talking about, and yet they believe in their own uneducated opinion 100%. I’m sure you know at least one person who thinks they have all of the answers but they say the dumbest things.

They are a walking encyclopedia of stupid, but they take themselves seriously.

Recently during a conversation with some one they told me that “smoking pot makes people cold hearted”…


It’s been years since I’ve smoked a bowl so the first thing I wondered was, what brought this up? It just came up out of the blue, really, so it had me wondering if this person maybe thinks I’m into the stuff. Then I thought, nah, maybe this person just thinks I’m cold hearted. That would make more sense. So I kept quiet and listened for awhile as I was informed (by some one who knows everything) how people who smoke weed are uncaring, unfeeling, and downright cold hearted because that’s what marijuana does.


Forget everything you’ve learned about herbage from Half-Baked, Cheech & Chong, or even your own personal use. What are giggle fits? What are the munchies? This is big news right here - cutting edge information. I’m not just sharing this for my own satisfaction! You have the right to know these things.

“Smoking weed will steal your heart away. Hey hey hey.”

If Simon & Garfunkel can’t be trusted, who can?

You poor potheads, just look what you’ve done to yourselves. You’ve turned your souls into evil, heartless wastes of space.

Some one please save her from the evil!

Some one please save the city!

Some one please make them care!

If you like to toke and have young ones, avoid Nick Jr.’s Yo Gabba show at all costs. Be warned, it will make your doped up heads explode. Literally.


Anonymous said...

hahaha what the hell is that picture about with Elijah Wood?

Alicia Billings said...

That really IS Elijah Wood and the show is called: Yo Gabba Gabba!

The show is like Sesame Street on crystal meth mixed with LSD, but that's just my opinion.

He appeared in one episode as himself in 2007, according to wikipedia.

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