Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My First Love

When I look back and think about my first love I have some fond memories, but there is just no way we could ever rekindle what we used to share. And my tastes have changed since those younger days of yesteryear.

When our courtship began I was just a smidgen of who I am now. I felt like anything was possible. I was always ready to try new things. So when we came together on that special day I’ll never forget, I remember feeling uneasy about it at first, but once I swallowed I knew we had something special. I was left with a bitter taste in my mouth, but it wasn’t anything mouthwash or breath mints couldn’t handle. Whenever we were together I felt warm and absolutely giddy. I was all a-tingle and on cloud nine! And we continued to meet up every Sunday and major holiday for three glorious years, until Mom and Dad learned of our goings-on and broke up our happy affair.

It was difficult at first, to leave behind those warm and fuzzy feelings, but in time I soon realized my parents were just doing what they thought was best for me. After a short period of pain and withdrawals I was ready to move on.

And now, just in case you're curious, I'll reveal my first love.

Jesus juice!

My first real love, we are still friends, but how do you tell someone it was never meant to be without hurting their feelings? Living in another state helps. A lot.

One day when I was 10 I asked my mom if I could have some of her liquor and she freaked out. I just wanted to expand my horizons and try something new. I asked her why it was such a big deal since I had been sipping wine at church. Well, that’s when we stopped going. And to this day my mom says she thought it was grape juice the priest was serving. WTF?

When I became an adult I could no longer drink wine without getting a serious headache, so I don’t touch the stuff. Beer and liquor - no problem, but for some reason wine makes my head feel like I banged it against a brick wall for an hour. Gee, when I was 15 I could drink a bottle of Mad Dog then make out on a lakeshore and still remember it vividly. Good times.


Anonymous said...

Ewww, I never drank that ceremonial wine. It's like making out with the whole congregation..

Which may not be so bad, depending on your religion I guess.

Anonymous said...

Well, being sick all of the time did have its perks like, missing school and many fun-filled weeks on penicillin.

Alpha 1 Cowboy said...

I thought this story was going to be about something else with the whole swallowing thing. I sicken myself for thinking such thoughts, o, who am I kidding, I always think such thoughts.

Alicia Billings said...

I was hoping that would punk someone, hehe ;)

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